Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Flower girl and ring bearer question

I have 1 flower girl and 2 girl ring bearers.
Where do they go? Do they stand on the stage or sit down wit their parents?
Can I have the ring bearers hold the actual rings or do they need to be fake? (They are very smart and will know the difference between real and fake)

Thank you

Re: Flower girl and ring bearer question

  • I would give them fake rings.  Have the best man or the officiant hold the real rings.

    How old are they?  If they are pretty young, then I'd definitely have them go sit with their parents.  
  • Ok, I think we will still do the real ones. But his traditions are the flower girl an ring bearers stand. I don't like that! 

  • lol. they are 8 and 9 and very mature. I just don't think I can picture them standing.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Flower girl and ring bearer question</a>:
    [QUOTE]lol. they are 8 and 9 and very mature. I just don't think I can picture them standing.
    Posted by deanozzi[/QUOTE]
    If they are 8 and 9 they are definitely old enough to be able to stand quietly during the ceremony.  I think they would be old enough to know that something is "off" if they are sitting down while everyone else gets to stand.
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  • Are you having a longer ceremony? If your ceremony is over 1/2 hour, I would have the kids sit with their parents. Even though they're mature, kids get antsy, and may be distracting to guests if they start squirming.
  • I think you should do whatever your more comfortable with...maybe even ask the kids or the parents of the kids what will work better for them??!?!? Either way have all 3 child attendents do the same thing...all sit down or all stand, and I dont think it will matter....(PS pictures of what the kids do when they are standing during the ceremony almost always garuntee some great cute photos!)

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  • Thanks. I will have them stand! I appreciate the help.
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