Wedding Invitations & Paper

Post Office Question

I think I read somewhere that the post office will hand stamp your invitations instead of running them through a machine to keep them from getting all dirty.  Can someone explain this process to me?  Do I just ask at the counter for the hand stamp and is there a charge?

I can just see me showing up at the counter with 75 invitations asking for them to be done by hand...... 
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Re: Post Office Question

  • Maybe others will have other answers, but I don't they do this for you anymore...

    Again, I could be wrong
  • Thanks Ladies! 

    I wouldn't mind stamping them myself but it sounds like there's no need to waste that time and energy since they will most likely end up being processed several more times before reaching the destinations.  Oh well, out they go!  Laughing
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  • coraleetbwedcoraleetbwed member
    edited March 2012
    I've read other brides say the USPS charges extra for this.  My sister took hers to the post office and they said there was no charge for this, but they did it "in the back."  Right.  When guests got theirs, there was this big white UPC paper strip sticker about 4" wide at the bottom of the envelopes

    As you said, the invites are going to go through several more processes.  I would just drop them off and hope for the best.
  • You can ask them to "hand cancel" your invites. This will at least cut out one machine they go through. There is no extra charge. They aren't excited to do it because it takes them more time. But, I say why not ask.
  • HobokensFuryHobokensFury member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited March 2012
    Out of the 3 post offices in my town only the main one will hand cancel.  We went there and they let us do it ourselves.  Yes they still have to go through machines but avoid the large machine that does the stamp cancelling. I chose to do it because I didn't want the nasty Happy holiday's post mark on it.

    Here is a photo of both a hand cancelled one and a non hand cancelled one.  You can see the hand cancelled one is a bit neater.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I went to my post office at a particularly slow time of the day.  I asked them to hand cancel them and the woman did as I put stamps on each envelope.  Maybe you could call around to local post offices and see which ones will do this.  Also ask when their slowest time of the day is.  No one wants to get stuck behind the girl with 100 envelopes.  Good luck!
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  • I had all mine extra fee and I had 80 envelopes. 
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