Wedding Invitations & Paper

Part that gets sent back

So we are making our own invitations, but i dont know what to put on the part that gets sent back. Ive been told to put M_________, and then they turn the m into either mr. or mrs. and their name and then number of persons____ but i dont like the M part, but to say name doesnt seem elegant....whats another way to word that?
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Re: Part that gets sent back

  • If the guest list is small enough, you can write the name in yourself. If you did this, I would say just have a blank line printed and then you would handwrite the name. Or, since you're making them yourself, would it be too much hassel to just print the guest's name?

    Or, you might be able to send it with just a blank line, though you might need to prepare yourself to have a number of "mystery" responses then. Enough people forget to write their name when the M___ is present, I would be worried that some would see a blank line as a decorative element.
  • Iv heard of using the black light pen or something along those lines and number them sin case they forget to write there names
  • Putting M_____ is really the best way to do it. 

    __ number attending is good too, because you'll know exactly how many are coming and if the number doesn't match who you invited you'll know to call and fix the situation before guests show up with their kids, uninvited dates, etc.

    FYI: these are called "response cards" or "RSVPs"
  • haha. i couldnt remember what they were called! XD
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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