I know the person/people "hosting" the wedding are supposed to be the name(s) that appear first on the invitation, so that if the bride's parents are hosting it's "Mr. and Mrs. Bridesparents request the pleasure of your company and the marriage of their daughter Me to My Fiance" etc., or if the bride and groom are hosting themselves, something like "Bride and Groom request the pleasure..." I've also seen the option where "everyone" (couple and all parents) are hosting, "Bride and Groom, together with their parents..."
However, I have no idea what to do in my situation! My fiance and I are paying for the bulk of our wedding ourselves. My parents gave us a chunk of money which will be about 20%(ish) of the total cost. My fiance's parents are divorced; his dad gave us a little money (about 1/20th of the total cost) and his mom is not in a position to contribute financially. I just found out today that apparently my parents are expecting to be named on the invitation as "Mr. and Mrs. Bridesparents invite you..."! I have absolutely no idea what my fiance's parents are expecting, if anything.
What do I do?! My parents and me/fiance? Everybody all togther ("together with their parents...") even though his parents aren't as financially involved as mine (who aren't as financially involved as my fiance and I!)? I could really use some advice!!