Hi ladies! I'm hoping that you can help me out with this:
I feel that the tradition of addressing couples as "Mr. & Mrs. John Doe" a bit antiquated and frankly, a little sexist. Wasn't that rule made when women were still considered their husband's property? Would it be considered faux pas to address them as "Mr. & Mrs. John and Jane Doe" instead? I could understand if my grandparents would prefer the formal way and I would respect that, but I have many female relatives who would be annoyed (if not insulted) if I didn't identify them as their own person.
I recognize that it wouldn't be "proper etiquette" (whatever *rolls eyes*), but is it okay to be a bit lax with the addresses, and save the formalities for my older family members? As in I'm not committing some nearlywed sin, am I? Please help!