Hello everyone!
Two of my very good friends have always been on the guest list since we started planning. I have them on the list as Miss Jane Doe and guest and Mr. John Smith and guest.
About six months ago, they FINALLY got together (all of their mutual friends have been saying for years that they are perfect for each other) and I couldn't be happier for them.
Of course, they are coming to the wedding together but they do not live together. It seems weird to send both of them a "and guest" invite but is it appropriate to send one invite for both of them to only one address? Should I just send them invites to "Miss Jane Doe" and "Mr John Smith" without guest invites? (I'm a little afraid that her mother will take advantage of the "and guest" because friend is attending with her boyfriend so her "and guest" is up for grabs. She lives with her mom and mom is fine but not on the guest list).
Just trying to figure out the best way to handle their invites. Thoughts?

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. ~Nora Ephron, When Harry Met Sally