Wedding Invitations & Paper

Colors of wedding programs

I found these wedding programs that I really like.  The only problem is that they don't exactly go with my wedding colors.  My main wedding color is a marine/cornflower blue and the programs I found are a cream color with a small design at the bottom in a tiffany color blue.  I really like the programs, and they were at a great price.  Do you think it matters if it matches the colors of the wedding?  Is anyone really going to care or even notice?  Your thoughts are appreciated!!

Re: Colors of wedding programs

  • Honestly, I think trying to Match everything is highly overated. And I match everything in life! But for my wedding, I am sticking with what I love. Things are not going to clash by any means, but my wedding programs do not match my bridesmaids dresses identically. Do what you want for you! I am sure they will be beautiful! :)
  • Totally fine.  People won't notice as much as you think.  If you want, you can have the words in blue ink to incorporate your colors.

  • I like when things are in the same basic color but not completely matchy matchy. I think it will look great! I wouldn't do all of the words in blue because 1) colored ink can be hard on some people's eyes and 2) if there is already some blue, the two colors might clash. But you could always have your names in blue or another one of your colors.
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