Wedding Invitations & Paper

Advice to those sending out invites ....

To all of you sending out invites for an engagement party or wedding:

 Do not invite people who you barely know ( that are not family) because it smells of looking for money or a gift. Also don't get offended if people do not attend your Thursday wedding ( you go the place you dreamed of for a good price because it is being held on a Thursday).Many people are trying to hold onto their jobs and might find it difficult taking the day off.

Re: Advice to those sending out invites ....

  • Random....

    Did I miss something?  It seems like all of this is common sense to me.
  • Ummm... thanks for sharing?
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  • B&C03B&C03 member
    First Comment
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Advice to those sending out invites ....</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ummm... thanks for sharing?
    Posted by HobokenBride2012[/QUOTE]

    Obviously, not I have had this happen in the past two years. It is not called common sense but class.
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