My BMs and I are having the invite making party on Tuesday....I hope I can start printing today
I posted before
Together with their families
Christine C
request the honour of your presence at their marriage
Sunday, the fifteenth of July two-thousand and twelve
at two o’clock
Saint XXXX Church
2 Parker Avenue Somewhere, NJ
Reception to follow
Reception Card
Please join us for dinner, dancing, and merriment at five o’clock
Highlawn Pavilion
3 Somewhere Avenue
Somewhere, NJ 00000
If using GPS, please enter this address:
381 Street
City ,NJ 07000
I have a reception card in my invite, but do I really need to put the information in the invitation? Do I put "Reception to follow", when it follows 1 hour later? The reception card will be the second insert after the rsvp... is that okay?
Thank you,