Wedding Invitations & Paper

How to decorate a boring mailing envelope

My invitations came with white envelopes that are the same size as something your bills would come in (Per customer service, I was expecting something narrower). They have the return address foil-stamped on the back in pink, but I'd like them to stand out a little and be a little fancier instead of getting lost in a stack of bills.

Any DIY suggestions? Things I have thought of: 
-Put the matching foil stickers on the front-top-left where a return address sticker usually goes (since the return address is on the back) but is that even "legal" with the post office?
-Get some kind of glitter stamper design. With this I'm not sure a) if glitter is permissible in the post; b) where on the envelope a design could go, aesthetically and following with postal regulations.

I would love any thoughts, criticisms, and suggestions. Thank you!

Re: How to decorate a boring mailing envelope

  • What about making your own stamps?
    October 2012 December Siggy: Favourite Wedding Picture
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  • I want to emboss the left side of our envelopes.  It looks awesome!  We also have the plain white envelopes so I want to emboss the side with a silver flourish coming out from the left side.  I figured our return address is on the back flap so why not, right?  I need to do a test and then send it to myself to make sure the post office is okay with it.  Hope it's okay that I put this link on here but this is where I got the idea.  Love it!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • You can get away with a lot on envelopes as long as the postage is not covered or marked in any way (and is correct, of course) and the address is legible and clear. 

    We had a border printed along the bottom of ours that matched our invites, and in a really pretty script with flourishes had "kindly deliver to:" printed on the envelopes. Then the addresses are printed in a coordinating block font. This was all done using thermography, so your options with a home printer would be more limited, but a lot of the same ideas could apply. 

    I'd actually check out high end stationer's websites for ideas. Ceci New York, Arabella Papers (where mine are from), Lettered Olive...those would have some inspiration :)
  • embossing is really easy and it looks cool!  i embossed my STD envelopes and i got a couple compliments that the envelopes were "fun":)
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