Wedding Invitations & Paper

Vistaprint scam?

I recently bought a $10 for $50 worth of Vistaprint products coupon through Livingsocial. I was planning on using it to purchase engagement party invitations.

As I was designing them, I decided to google reviews for Vistaprint since I had never used them before (perhaps I should have done this before I bought the deal- duh!). What I read is pretty terrifying: they take your credit card info and charge you monthly for things you didn't purchase, sell your info to other companies which results in magazine subscriptions you didn't buy, products come bent/wrinkled or with the font patchy and skewed.

Has anyone ever used Vistaprint for invitations and been happy with the quality and service? I am scared that my parents will end up losing their money if it truly is a scam. Any past experiences will be helpful!

Re: Vistaprint scam?

  • I haven't used Vistaprint for invites but I did use them for our save the dates.  We designed them ourselves and just uploaded the file.  They came out fantastic and everyone really loves them.  They can also send you a bridal sample package so you can see their products in person.  It's free.  I haven't had any issues with my card being charged for miscellaneous items . . . we ordered and received our products in February so it hasn't been that long but I keep a pretty good eye on my cards and haven't seen anything suspicious.  Also, we had no issues with anything being bent/wrinkled/skewed, etc.  Just make sure to review your digital proof closely and I think you'll be ok. 

    Also, I have friends who use Vistaprint for busines related products and they have also not had any issues.  Good luck!!
  • Allot of girls on here use vistaprint. I used them for STD's, my sister used them for her invitations. We have never had ANY problems!
  • I haven't had any problems, and a lot of girls on TK use it, and I've never heard of any having problems like this.
    photo trex2_zps7ab4e9b0.jpg
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I have heard nothing but wonderful things about Vistaprint.  I have also ordered a few items from them (free postcards I used as STDs, free postcards for directions to the reception, 2 orders of business cards address stamps, pens, you get the idea).  I have not had anything happen to my credit card or even heard anything about a scam.  HUNDREDS of brides on this site use Vistaprint and always rave about them.
  • What the PPs said...ordered lots, never had any problems!
  • I didn't have any problems with my credit card or spam, however, my STDs were printed on a black background. Near the bottom of the stack, the edge started getting crooked. It printed some white and pink stuff. This issue was super small, only on the edge (about a few millimeters wide), and I don't think it'd happen if we had a white background. Also, I didn't need as many as I bought, so I was able to not use the ones with problems.
  • The things you are mentioning sound like those pages you click through at the end.  After you add something to your cart and go to check out, you'll go through four or five pages where they are just trying to get you to add other services/items to your order - stationary, web sites, magazines, etc - that would be where those charges are coming from.  Just be sure that you haven't added anything else to your cart in the end and you'll be fine.

    FTR, I've used VistaPrint for years and years and have never had this problem, so please don't be scared.  They have great quality stuff. 

    One more thing - be sure to check both the front and back of all of your designs because they tend to try to sneak a VistaPrint logo on there, so make sure to get it off if it happens to be on there. 
  • I have used vistaprint for a few projects for work and church and been very happy. I have not had any of these issues and will probably use thrm for the wedding as well. Like any online purchase, read the screen before you click ok.
  • I'm definitely relieved! Will be ordering the invites today- thanks everyone!
  • I used Vistaprint to order my invites too, via a living social deal.  My FI, MOH and Mom all bought the LS deal.  FI and I got the invites and rehearsal dinner invites, Mom ordered the reception inserts and MOH/Sister ordered the RSVP cards.

    I was a little nervous - think I saw the same website you did!! - but they came in last week and look great.  Spent last night addressing the first 100....whew.

    I was happy with them, and glad to be able to shrink the budget in that area.
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