Wedding Invitations & Paper

Pocketfold "Inner Envelope"

I'm wondering where I would write the names that I would normally write on an inner envelope if I use a pocketfold invitation.  I saw someone once just write it on the back of the pocket, and then they put the pockets in the envelopes so that you pulled it out facing that way.  Is this what most people do?
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Re: Pocketfold "Inner Envelope"

  • I had pocketfolds and I had no inner envelope.  I just wrote the names of the people invited on the outer envelope.  I think this is all along the lines of personal choice.  
  • Some people will put a "tab" type thing on the flap of the pocketfold that kind of acts like a seal on the pocketfold, and then use that tab as the inner envelope in terms of addressing. I attached a picture - the red bordered tab attached to the flap of the pocketfold is what I'm referring to. It's blank in the picture, but you could just write in the names of who you are inviting, then stuff the whole thing into the mailing envelope.

    Hope that helps! Picture is from

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