Wedding Invitations & Paper

Yesterday was a sad day...but also kinda good...RSVP Drama avoided!

no RSVPs came back in the mail! :( this has been the highlight of my day (and fiances!) to come home to check the mail for RSVPs...I guess I was spoiled by the first bunch that came in so to play the waiting game until April 21st...

Are you ladies running to the mailbox daily like me?

on another note...a friend asked about bringing a date (he is not in a relationship) and I explained we couldnt afford nor does our venue have the room to include guests with plus ones....and guess what? He totally understood! He said no problem at all, he was just inquiring as to whether or not he should bring someone.  I thanked him for understanding and said that I hoped he could still make and he said he wouldnt miss our wedding for the world!! This was a relief so know that perhaps I can avoid any more RSVP drama.....(back story: fiance's cousin rsvp'd no bc she wasnt invited with a plus one...again no s/o). I'm so glad that there are still some understanding people in this world!!

Have you ladies had any RSVP drama nightmares? and how did you handle them?
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image74 Are seriously missing out! Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: Yesterday was a sad day...but also kinda good...RSVP Drama avoided!

  • I had two days where I received several responses. Now nothing for the past 5 days. It is rather disappointing not to get any, but then again not getting means I don't have any people trying to add guests which were not invited. It's bittersweet.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker image

    Our wedding date is June 2, 2012

    104 invited 77 accepted! 27 can't make it Finally tracked down the procrastinators!

  • I haven't had too much drama yet. I did have someone months ago who was upset that she didn't receive an STD and assumed (correctly) that she wasn't invited. My FI convinced me to invite her just to shut her up. She hasn't RSVP's yet. Another person recently moved & made it clear that she still was to be invited because she'd fly back...well she just RSVP's no. Oh well!
  • glad to hear you ladies are having a relatively stress free rsvp experience! :) I've heard some real nightmare stories so I was worried! But my dear friend really eased my mind when he was so nice and understanding. To me, it's totally fine to ask a question.....but my answer is my (and fiances) decision and I'm glad he was understanding and still wants to come!
    image182 Invited! image108 Are ready to party!
    image74 Are seriously missing out! Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm sure I will be super-interested in the mail once my invitations go out. I'm expecting a big immediate wave of Nos, with a smaller immediate wave of Yeses. Then several weeks of basically nothing, then all the procrastinators'.

    Why an immediate wave of Nos? 'Cause I know for far-away weddings it's often immediately obvious I can't swing the time from work and travel expenses, so I respond immediately, If it's not obvious, it takes a couple weeks to arrange the travel.

    We only did private save-the-date messages for 10% of our guest list. Those Yeses should send their RSVPs immediately, but I don't expect any other immediate Yeses.
  • I haven't had much drama.  Some days I get like 4 RSVPs back, and some I get none.  And Sundays are totally lame now, haha.

    I did however find out that one of FI's cousin's never received his invite.  It never came back to us and was apparently not forwarded to his new address.  Although it kind of ticks me off because FI asked for his address about 2 weeks before we sent the invites - really, you didn't know you were moving at that point?  People are dumb.
    photo trex2_zps7ab4e9b0.jpg
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  • I had a similar sitatuon Aurora, two days after we picked up our invites stuffed and sealed them we got a text about an address change/move. i was like seriously?! and being the ettiquette and perfectionist hound that I am, we had to go back to the stationary store to have them fill out the envelope all pretty with the new address. ugh! its worth it though bc getting back those rsvps is amazing!! i feel like an online invite would take some of that away....or i'd just be checking it stalker style 24/7!

    image182 Invited! image108 Are ready to party!
    image74 Are seriously missing out! Wedding Countdown Ticker
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