no RSVPs came back in the mail!

this has been the highlight of my day (and fiances!) to come home to check the mail for RSVPs...I guess I was spoiled by the first bunch that came in so to play the waiting game until April 21st...
Are you ladies running to the mailbox daily like me?
on another note...a friend asked about bringing a date (he is not in a relationship) and I explained we couldnt afford nor does our venue have the room to include guests with plus ones....and guess what? He totally understood! He said no problem at all, he was just inquiring as to whether or not he should bring someone. I thanked him for understanding and said that I hoped he could still make and he said he wouldnt miss our wedding for the world!! This was a relief so know that perhaps I can avoid any more RSVP drama.....(back story: fiance's cousin rsvp'd no bc she wasnt invited with a plus one...again no s/o). I'm so glad that there are still some understanding people in this world!!
Have you ladies had any RSVP drama nightmares? and how did you handle them?

182 Invited!

108 Are ready to party!

74 Are seriously missing out!