Wedding Invitations & Paper

RSVP wordking and invitation proof please!!

On our RSVP card we want to be in control of total # of people we have coming and dont want to use the M line.  So how does this look? We would fill in the second #.  All feed back would be wonderful!  Thank you ladies!

Kindly reply by

  We have reserved ___ of ___ seats in your honor

___ Accepts with pleasure

 ___ Declines with regret

Then this is our invitation
The Pleasure of your company is requested at the marriage uniting Jane Doeto John Doe Saturday, the ninth of JuneTwo thousand twelveat five o’clock Beautiful Golf Course 1234 Sweetwater Road Beautiful, California Reception to follow  

Re: RSVP wordking and invitation proof please!!

  • For the RSVP card, use either:

    We have reserved ___ seats in your honor


    __ of __ guests attending

    I do tend to think "with pleasure" and "with regret" are presumtious, but that's not a widely held opinion.

    I would use "and" in between your names rather than "to."
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  • PeavyPeavy member
    1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    If you are uniting two people, use "and", not "to."

    Please don't presume to know the responder's emotion - maybe they're accepting with regret, or declining with pleasure.
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