Wedding Invitations & Paper

Sealing wax...gah!

Does anyone know where I can buy "good" sealing wax?  The Martha Stewart brand at Michaels does not stick (I've tried on 3 different envelope types).  I need the good 'ol fashioned kind that looks like a candle. 

Re: Sealing wax...gah!

  • You have to be careful about the kind of sealing wax you use because if it's too dry, it will shatter in the machines at the post office (hand cancelling may help mitigate this)

    Here's a little forum thread that I found helpful: 
  • Are you trying to use these for your outer envelopes, or for inner envelopes/sealing a pocketfold?

    If you're using sealing wax for the outer envelope, you might be out of luck. Even if they aren't machined, they'll likely not look so great once they're delivered to your guests, and they will likely not hold well. 

    For the inner envelope, try to find a brand that is applied using a hot glue gun. I've made invites using those, and they seal well and are not really like candle wax - they're more "gummy" and don't crumble. I'm blanking on the brand name now, but I'll try to look it up and get back to you :)
  • Thanks!  I'm trying to find the faux glue gun kind of wax because it's more flexible.  I'm trying to find a physical location to purchase from because I need it asap.  I used to buy this really good kind from a stationery shop that worked real well -- even through the mail but the store closed :/
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