Wedding Invitations & Paper

Issues with RSVPs - added guests

Hey there ladies... I need your advice. 

We are starting to get RSVP backs and are having issues.  We have had a couple folks call and ask if they can bring a "guest" when the invite is addressed only to them also we are getting RSVP back with folks adding people that were not on the invite. 

How do you address/talk to your guests about this? 

Re: Issues with RSVPs - added guests

  • Call them and I say I'm sorry for the confusion but the invite was just for you and johnny. This is acceptable if people are RSVPing for children you did not invite. However if they are a social unit (ie: boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife) then it was your error for inviting one and not the other.
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  • For the +1s, it depends on who they want to bring.  If it's a significant other (boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance, etc), then you should allow it.  They should have been invited to begin with.   

    For other people who RVSP for extras, just use your best judgement.  If you are getting any declines, then you might be able to accomodate them, and if it makes your guest happy or allows them to attend, then I would allow it.  But if you don't have space or budget, then it's perfectly acceptable to call the guest and tell them you appologize for the misunderstanding but you cannot accomodate extra guests.  
  • naforeman84. I am having the same problem. When I sent out our Invitations I addressed them to whom we wanted to invite. According to the knot! We have received a few responses from people that included their boyfriend of the month even though the invite was only to invite them. I have to disagree with  Avion22 (For the +1s, it depends on who they want to bring.  If it's a significant other (boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance, etc), then you should allow it.  They should have been invited to begin with.)
     Its your wedding and you can have who you want there, if people are putting down on RSVP's that they are bringing a guest I feel they are being rude and insensitive to you.  If it was someone that they have been with for a long time I would invite them (ie: fiance and our live-in boy/girlfriend). Weddings are not cheap and why allow a guest to bring someone with them when you weren't counting them in the first place. 
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