Wedding Invitations & Paper

I'm starting to worry

Hey there,
This is my first post. I've been reading and peaking but haven't actually participated :)
I'm getting married in March and the reply cards are starting to roll in.
My sisters friend who I know and love came to my shower in January and said her and her boyfriend can't wait for the wedding. Her boyfriend works with one of my bridesmaids husband and asked IF they could sit together. No problem.
Then... last week I get the response in and it says her name and number of guests 1.
So I call my bridesmaid and she says her husband talked to the guy that day and he is coming.
So I message the girl and she responds and says they fought about it. He said since she put her name that implies she is coming and she is only bringing one guest.
My responses say M____ then # of guests ___.
Most people are writing 2.
Yesterday I got two responses. BOTH from men. That said there names and number of guests 0. I work with both of them and know they are coming.
NOW... the drama.
ALLLLL the people who wrote 0 (we have had 7 so far) does that mean they are coming?? I woke up in the night and I'm worried sick about it.
Has anyone else had this problem? URRRGHH :(

Re: I'm starting to worry

  • That means that are coming alone.  They thought # of guests meant the # of guest they were bringing!
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  • Thanks for the response :)
    I understand that but I was wondering IF anyone else had this happen with reply cards.
    I'm just going to count them as one since they checked off will attend.
    The other ones with zero have not attending checked off.
    I'm also getting married on St Patricks Day.
    It's coming SOOOO soon :)
    Good luck with everything and enjoy your day :)

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:cd062f89-8272-496a-b0ab-225e1f87acecDiscussion:a5909773-bd38-470d-9ac6-e14ca10a0894Post:89476116-773f-49e6-87ad-e327dd80b67f">Re: I'm starting to worry</a>:
    [QUOTE]That means that are coming alone.  They thought # of guests meant the # of guest they were bringing!
    Posted by HobokenBride2012[/QUOTE]

    image180 image85 image8 Wedding Countdown Ticker image
  • Agreed; I think the wording is a bit confusing on the RSVP; but I'd assume they're coming alone.
  • Usually when you want guests to fill in how many people will be coming, you write "number attending___" rather than "number of guests__" so I can see why there was confusion.

    I would assume the 0's meant that they'd be coming alone. If you get worried, just give them a call and double check.
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