Wedding Invitations & Paper


Does anyone know what kind of cardstock vistaprint uses for their invitations? They have some very cute options but I can't find any description of what it is printed on.


Re: Vistaprint?

  • Go through the stages of ordering without actually paying, and that should be one of the options. I think they have a matte, glossy, a recycled paper, and some other high quality paper. The matte price is included, maybe the glossy, but most of the other choices cost extra. Nothing crazy more though. I think they have samples too. 
    April Siggy Challenge-Wedding Escape: Reading HG/dreaming about Peeta.... Image and video hosting by TinyPic Wedding Countdown Ticker Bio-Updated 4/22**
  • They have a free bridal sample set you can order.  They basically give you a sample of each type of paper they have.

    I got the basic paper, it wasn't really thick cardstock, but I've heard ladies on here who are happy with the upgraded papers.  I was also putting my invites into a pocketfold, so I didn't see a need to upgrade.
  • edited February 2012
    order the wedding sample kit! that's what i did to actually see what they look like. it comes fast too!
  • I also ordered the free bridal kit and ended up going with the linen finish. I really like the texture of it and the printing quality. I think your best bet is to order the free kit that way you can feel it in your own hands, rather than going off of our judgments.
  • Yikes!  I have my order all ready to go, with recylced paper as the card stock.  I think the regular invite paper is too flimsy for my taste....have others had this same problem?
  • I got the linen finish and love it, it is of a "flimsier" weight though. However, I got bridal shower invites on their standard card stock and think they look and feel great. I also recommend the free wedding kit so you can actually see and touch the different paper weight sbefore you order. I've been very pleased with vistaprint.
  • You might try, they offer fully customizable inviations that are very affordable and printed on a nice heavy weight cardstock.
  • Color me stupid, but I haven't been able to find where to order the VP bridal kit - can anyone link it? I got my STDs from them, and I'd love to see the other types of paper they offer.
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