Ok, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this but considering it should only affect the ceremony program, I figured this should be the best place. Be prepared to get lost in this, I'm sorry ahead of time but I will try my best to make it easily understandable. When I was a baby I was taken away from my biological mother. My grandparents (which were her parents) then adopted me and cut ties with her. They had kept it a secret from me until I was about 12 years old. So, because I had no idea, I always had considered my grandparents to be my parents, my aunt and uncle to be my sister and brother, and my cousins to be my niece and nephews. They, too, considered me to be their daughter, brother, sister and aunt... After I learned about what had happened, we still considered each other to be those things except for my niece and nephews (of which the niece is a month younger than me but the nephews are older than me, the oldest being nearly 20 years older) who instead of being only my niece and nephews, then changed to them being niece, nephew, or cousin interchangeably, partially due to age differences. Infact, my one nephew/cousin calls me his CuzAunt. So the problem lies with my nephew/cousin being my officiant and my niece/cousin being my maid of honor.... How should I address them in the program? It isn't too awkward to call Ashley my niece since she is only a month younger than me. However, Bryan is 7 years older than me (he is the one that calls me his CuzAunt). Any input on what I should do would be great. Obviously my side if the family understands, but I'm not sure if my fiancee's side would understand. Thanks a lot! Sorry it is such a long post!
May 2013 August Siggy: Hair Inspiration