Wedding Invitations & Paper

letterpress invite with pocketfold ?

Hi, so i'm currently debating my invitation options. My invites will be letterpressed. However, I've always liked the idea of a pocketfold, and I think it will hold the invitation & inserts together nicely. But, I'm wondering if it will be weird to have a letterpressed invite stuck to the back mat of the pocketfold. Will the letterpressing not be as noticeable? Would it ruin the whole idea of getting it letterpressed because the guests wouldn't be able to tell?

anyone have any pictures of a letterpressed invite in a pocketfold?

what are some other options for keeping all of the pieces together? a ribbon or bellyband just around the invite & pieces themselves? how much does that cost?
Happily married since 9/1/2012!
The Whimsical Wifey

Re: letterpress invite with pocketfold ?

  • I thought of doing a letterpress and pocketfold combo.  However, my SIL (an invitation designer) said to choose one or the other.  Letterpress paper is thick and not everything would fit in the sleeve.  Plus, it might be too much of a look.  Ultimately, I went with pocketfold because we thought it would make more of an impact.

    Depending on the look you're trying to achieve, you could use ribbon, twine, etc. to keep the letterpress invitation together.  However, I don't think your guests would be less likely to tie everything back up after looking at it.  As opposed to being able to place the miscellaneous pieces of paper back into the sleeve of the pocket fold.  You could always use an inner envelope to keep everything in place.  That's probably simplest and easiest way to go.

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  • Not sure if this site has a pocket letterpress but their letterpress is 35% off retail and letterpress invites can get pricey.

    I have included a pic of one of the choices. We used this company for our pocket invitations. We had a champagne shimmer pocket.

  • I think that letterpress is so beautiful without a pocket. The paper is super thick and really nice, and I think a pocketfold would detract from that. 

    I think a belly band would be a really nice alternative. And even though pocketfolds are popular, going with a traditional thick piece of letterpressed cardstock would make a great statement as well!

    I got my invitations from Arabella Papers, and they used "ribboned folders" as they call them. Might be an option for you, I'd check out that site for some ideas -
  • I think one or the other will work best.  I used the basic cardstock from VP for my invitations and once put into the pocketfold, you didn't even notice the quality of the paper.  The pocketfold is what stood out, so letterpress and pocketfolds is probably a waste of money.
  • ok thanks everyone! i thought it was a little weird to have both, but since my designer offered it as an option i figured it might be more normal than i thought. i'm going with the letterpress invite, and maybe considering bellybands. TBD.
    Happily married since 9/1/2012!
    The Whimsical Wifey
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: letterpress invite with pocketfold ?</a>:
    [QUOTE]ok thanks everyone! i thought it was a little weird to have both, but since my designer offered it as an option i figured it might be more normal than i thought. i'm going with the letterpress invite, and maybe considering bellybands. TBD.
    Posted by kellycatalo[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>I'm such a fan of letterpress, so this makes me happy to hear :) But of course that's just my opinion, ha

  • I wrapped my letterpress invites with a doily envelope and tied with baker's twine.
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