Wedding Invitations & Paper

Return Address Stamp Drama

Hi all! I have a silly question...
My fiance and I are paying for our own wedding fully. We do not live together. I live with my mother, he lives with his mother; after the wedding, we'll be moving into our own place. In the meantime, I need to send out wedding invitations. I was going to simply write my current address on the return address stamp (i.e. my mother's home), without a name. My mother says it's improper to send out invitations and response cards with just an address.
But since I don't live with my fiance, and the response cards are coming back to my current residence, I figured I would put my name only on the response card, with my address. This seems to upset my mother; I guess it's quite an independent statement or something. But I am hosting the wedding, not her, even though we are including the honorary "together with their families" on the invitation.
So I ask anyone who took the time to read this: is it wrong to put my name only on the response card address? In addition to the invitation return address? What do you think?

Re: Return Address Stamp Drama

  • edited April 2012
    Well, your mom better get used to "independent statements" as you are going to soon be a married woman with a family of her own.  If I were you I'd put put my name & current address on both the return address spot and the on the RSVP cards.  You are hosting the wedding, not your mom.  Your mom will get over it.
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  • Last time I checked wedding invitation books with my DDs, only the street address, city, state, and zip were printed on the back of the RSVP envelope.
  • FI and I lived together before the wedding and I just put the return address on both the main invitation envelope and on the response card envelope without our names (which are really long and would not have fit nicely on the label anyway. Plus it would have been odd - to me - to just put one of our names on the return address.) It's fine. Some people wrote in his or my name above the address on the RSVP return envelope and some didn't, and everything arrived fine just the same.
  • Yes, it's fine to put your name on it or to just do the address.

    Also - please consider not discussing these decisions with your mother in the future to save yourself some headaches.  If she's not funding anything there's really no reason to run things by her.
  • swissrootsswissroots member
    First Comment
    edited April 2012

    FI and I live together and are mailing all of our invites and having responses returned to us.  The return address on the invitation will just be our address, no names.  On the response card envelopes I am going to put "bride's last name / groom's last name wedding" before the address.

  • Hi again everyone --
    I really appreciate all of your responses! It's really nice to get some unbiased support!

    I'm taking your advice and doing what I really want -- my name only :)

    Thanks again!
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