Wedding Invitations & Paper

STD printing pixelated :(

I have a little problem. I took a picture and made a STD in photoshop. When I printed a test page the text came out pixelated. It even looks a little pixelated on the screen as well. I didn't notice until after I printed it. Does anyone know how I can fix this? I don't know much on photoshop.

Re: STD printing pixelated :(

  • are you using a true type font?  If it is pixelated on the screnn I doubt you are.  Is this a font you downloaded or that existed already in the program?
  • Photoshop isn't great for printing text in general. Your font is probably fine but the program just isn't good with text. I don't think there's really much you can do to fix the pixelation. You can get a free trial for 30 days of Adobe Illustrator which is great for both text and images and easy to pick up. With illustrator you shouldn't have any trouble with printing images and text. Hope that helps!
  • You can set the DPI higher too. I think 300 is the recommended for printing, but I might be completely pulling that out of my butt. I don't remember how to change it either, I think you can set it while you're specifying the canvas size when you start a new file.
  • You have to save the STD in a .pdf file or it will pixelate.
  • Make sure the resolution is high enough in your document (I would go 400ppi or higher, I think I did 600-700ppi just to make sure) and use True Type fonts.  I saved mine as .jpegs and didn't have any problems, but like I said I had a very high resolution file to start with.
    photo trex2_zps7ab4e9b0.jpg
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  • On the text layer, make sure you have anti-alising turned on.  Also, flatten the file before printing it. You don't have to make it a PDF file first, but flattening it will make sure there's no font issues with the printer.

    Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength, and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend. - Andrew Futral

  • edited February 2012

    edielaura: I’ve tried with it bold and not bold. It still prints pixelated. While working with it I have it saved as a psd. I have saved a copy as jpg and it’s still comes out the same.


    j9lights  :I’m using a font that comes with the photoshop. It does look a little pixelated on the screen.


    LeiselEB : If I can’t get this one to work I will defitinetly try out Adobe Illustrator.


    I'll try saving it as a pdf and try changing the resolution. If it doesn't help, I'm going to try Adobe Illustrator.  I really want this to work. If I can print them myself it will save some money.


    Thanks for you input ladies!


  • So I got the font to look better when saving it as a pdf, but I don't know how to change it to a jpg without having to open it up in photoshop again. When i do that it looks pixelated again. The photo looks a tad bit pixelated as well. I'm downloading a trial of Illustrator and seeing if I have better luck with that.

  • jacki8788jacki8788 member
    edited February 2012
    Make sure your photo is 300dpi also to start with--you might need to place it in the file again. For the record, there's no reason at all to make the file higher than 300dpi. Also make sure you're in CYMK mode, not RGB (will effect the color it prints)

    click the text with the Type tool. If you scale the text to make it larger, rather than changing the font size, it will treat it as an image rather than text (which will make it pixelated). Clicking it (and hitting OK or whatever to any dialog box that pops up) will make sure it's actual text, not an image. Then you should be able to go to Layer />Type>Convert Text to Outlines. This may help the pixelation. Overall, Illustrator is def. better with type, though. Maybe even try a different font to test it?

    This might seem silly, but are you printing it at higher than 100%? That would definitely make everything fuzzy. Good luck!
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