Wedding Invitations & Paper

Invites, Venue Cards and RSVP....spelling errors or any tips?

White Knot
June '13 January siggy Honeymoon Destination
Indian Head Resort White Mountains New Hampshire
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Re: Invites, Venue Cards and RSVP....spelling errors or any tips?

  • For the RSVP postcard, does that say "From" before the address? The RSVPs should be self addresses, meaning they will be addressed to YOU. Your guests shouldn't have to fill in your address to send their replies back. So there shouldn't be any From. Your address should just be filled in already. Spell out the RSVP date: by the fourteenth of March. No year.

    The invites are a bit wordy, especially after your names. But the text above your names should be spaced out so that the little thing about helping you become who you are is separate from the "Together with their families". Just add a space in there.

    After your names, I would suggest saying "invite you to celebrate as they are united in marriage". Simple, to the point, still fun :)

    The date is a little off. It should say: 
    "Saturday, the eighteenth of April
    two thousand fourteen
    at six o'clock"
    No need for "in the evening" and this is the correct date format. 

    You need to include the location on the invite, not on a separate card. The only time a location is listed separately is if the reception is in a different place. Right after the date and time, put:
    Waypoint Event Center
    City, State
    no zip code

    If you want to use that card, take the word Ceremony off and make it an Accommodations card or a Directions card. That would be a good place to list your wedding website, also. 

    Either change the bottom to just "Reception to follow" or make sure the capitalization is correct. Desserts and Dancing should be lowercase.

    Also - I'm a little confused about Pherber, and the P. Are you guys picking a new last name? This may be a confusing way to announce it to your guests. 

    I feel like I just changed a lot, haha sorry if that's overwhelming. I designed wedding invites for a few years, so this is what jumped out at me. 

    Also - please don't order these yet because you have so much time in between and you never know what could go wrong. Your venue may close, have damage, etc. etc. Just wait until at most a year out from the wedding before ordering these. It's fine to get ideas now, of course :)
  • Agree with the PP.  Also, I've never seen two lines for response name.  I think one M__________ should be sufficient. 

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