Wedding Invitations & Paper

Does everything have to match?

A little background:  Our colors are pink and green.  I'm DIYing our centerpieces (flowers in cylinder vase).  I found some ribbon to put around the vase to give it a little pop.  I have a few variations (solid green thick ribbon with thin pink and polka dot ribbon on top, solid pink thick ribbon with thin green and polka dot ribbon on top, etc.).  I like the polka dots.  Well, now I feel like I'm a polka dot roll.  I found save the dates that I really like that have dots involved, but I wouldn't call it polka dot.  I'm so confused when it comes to the invites though.  Do I do polka dots?  Could I use damask or is that too far off?  Will people even care or notice?  I also wouldn't mind involving love birds somewhere in the theme because I kind of want to have a love bird wedding cake topper.  I feel like I'm all over the place...

Re: Does everything have to match?

  • People are probably not going to pull out your invitation and hold it up to your centerpiece to see if they match.  As long as the invitation matches the formality and overall feel of the wedding, do what you want.
    Married 10/2/10
  • I think it matters more if you notice and care!  

    People who DIY their wedding do it because they want to (also $ savings).. for me.. I care about every detail about my craft projects, while other people are more lax.

    Honestly, I notice all these details when I go to a wedding, but I am not judgmental about it.  I just take in all the details.. because I am a detail oriented person.

    Most people don't notice this stuff.. and even more people can't remember details the next day.

    Overall.. cater to yourself.  Assume most people don't care or won't notice and do whatever makes you happy!!!
  • no one will notice, and if its too  matchy matchy it might be over the top. my opinion on colors and designs is that it should have an overall feel, not one specific design.

    i would go with the invitations that you chose, it may be more stressfull and possibly costly to find invites that match perfectly and if you dont find them and "settle" for the dot-ish one you will feel like you didnt get what you really want.

    i have tried to keep an open mind on what i want so that when i find something i like, i can tell myself its what i wanted rather than settling or missing something.
    10-10 siggy favorite summer picture Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I think it's a little weird to, say, get a brown and pink invitation, then show up and all of the decor is blue and silver.  But if it's just a matter of polka dots vs. damask, who cares?
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • Thanks for all the feedback!  I feel a lot better.  I think a lot of my issues stem from being detailed oriented and over-analyzing things.  Oh yeah, I'm keeping the color scheme consistent.  I think that would just confuse people AND I just couldn't do that because it would bother me.  :)  So I guess if I stay with pink and green (and the feel of our wedding) as the theme I should be good.
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