Wedding Invitations & Paper

Proofing Request, please! :)


Together with their parents

Bride’s Full Name
Groom’s Full Name

request the honor of your presence
as they are united in marriage

Saturday, the twenty-ninth of September
two thousand twelve
four o'clock in the afternoon

Church Name
123 North Street
Mount City, State

The favor of a reply is requested by the eighth of September   

M ___________________________

___ Will attend
___ Will not attend


___ Number attending

___ Will not attend

Which option should I use?


The pleasure of your company is requested
six o’clock in the evening

Reception Venue
123 West Any Road
Mount City, State


A block of rooms has been reserved at the following location

Hotel Name

123 East Any Road
Mount City, State  (should I include zip, for clarification?)
Phone number

Please reference the Last Name/Last Name wedding when making your reservation.

For more information, please visit our wedding website at


 ** The copy in bold will not print. It's just to differentiate the invitation from the cards. Plese let me know what edits are needed. TIA!! **


BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Proofing Request, please! :)

  • Got it, thanks so much!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Invite looks good :)

    For the RSVP, I like "number attending" and "will not attend" or "declines" best. 

    For reception: "The pleasure of your company is request at a reception
    beginning at six o'clock

    For the Accommodations (spelling!) card, I'd put a space between the phone number and the "reference the so and so wedding" line. 

    Good work!
  • LeiselEB, thanks! I 've been stalking the board for proper etiquette with wording and followed your advice, along with other ladies on the board. You all have been so very helpful, thank you!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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