Wedding Invitations & Paper


Has anyone from a small community ever seen an wedding announcement posted in the local newspaper with date and time of event and reception included that on the bottom states "NO LOCAL INVITATIONS BEING SENT" ??  People in the town we live do this ALL the time.  I'm not fond of it, but it is such a custom anymore that i'm afraid if we didn't do it people would come anyway.  Word of mouth travels faster than ever anymore with social networking and such.  What are your thoughts on this? It kind of puts a damper on preparing food etc. for a certain amount of people when you could guess wrong by over  100 or more both ways?!?! Help?!?

Re: Guests?!?

  • I've never heard of this but then again I live in the city.  I would imagine it being a logistical nightmare.
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  • I love all the different customs around the US!  Here in Utah they have reception only announcements and the announcement (it's mailed to your house) serves at the invitation to the 2 hour long open house.  No RSVP required.

    I say, it's your reception.  Do you really want the whole county there?  Or do you have a list of who you want there only?  How would all these other people know about the time/place anyway?  Do you think someone will leak it and then the word will get out?

    If it were me (but I'm not used to this custom) I'd want invitations and RSVPs so I know who is coming and how to prepare.

    Just as a comparison, I'm only mailing out 27 invitations total to my wedding. 
  • Why not just send invitations to the people you want to be there, including locals, and not put a notice in the newspaper? 
  • I thought a wedding announcement was supposed to be put in the paper (or mailed out) AFTER the wedding had taken place.   Otherwise, what is there to announce?

    I would go the traditional route -- send invitations to those invited, then put the announcement in the paper the day after the wedding.   
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