Wedding Invitations & Paper

Difficult decision with co-worker invites! Please give advice!

I am getting married on a Friday evening. I work night shift so everyone I work with will not be able to attend. I work with 9 women and at least half of them will have to work. I've been going back and forth on this for months but do I invite everyone , let them figure it out and hope that my closer friends get to go or invite my 4 closest friends and hope the others understand and are not offended???? Of the people I've asked so far it is about 50/50. I don't want to be rude.

Re: Difficult decision with co-worker invites! Please give advice!

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Difficult decision with co-worker invites! Please give advice!</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you only want your four close co-workers there, then just invite them (and their S.Os).  It's okay not to invite the others, just send the invitations to personal residences and don't talk about it at work. It sounds like you'd be hoping the others couldn't come so I say just don't invite them.
    Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]

    <div>This, exactly.</div>
  • I had the same issue.  I sent the save-the-dates to their homes so no one who wasn't invited at work would see them.  Then I talked to the ones I invited and said that I couldn't afford to invite the entire division (over 100 people) and that I didn't want any hurt feelings and it's a good idea to not advertise it and they said, "Oh no, of course!"  They were understanding and said positive things about the save-the-dates I sent out, but almost none mentioned that they received it. 

    I'm only expecting one or two to come and I'm paranoid that word will get out and start some unnecessary drama ... I'll find out lol. If I could afford to invite the others I would, but then again some don't even know my name and would probably feel awkward if I DID invite them.

    I'm also not talking about the wedding that much.  I'll ask if some of them received the save-the-date in private but that's it. 

    I agree with ceh789.
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