

Hi Erica. When I saw your dog Calypso I totally forgot you had a Rottweiler! Where did you get him from again? Close by? You might of told me at the North Park GTG this past summer but I can't remember.

DH is soo wanting one. His friend he lived with in Chicago had one. I'm a little nervous to have one but Calypso is a cutie.  I threatened DH that since there are no babies in the making he is NOT getting a dog. I'll change my mind but he doesn't have to know. Hehe.  If we decide to get one can I bother you with questions?  Thanks.
ME:44 MH:42 DE IVF 2013
image Matrix image Ollie

Re: Er/jer

  • Er/jerEr/jer member
    edited December 2011
    Hey - we actually got her from someone out in Uniontown.  Check shelters and you'll probably be able to find one.

    Don't be nervous about it.  They're just like any other dog and they just get a bad rap. Just be sure to start training as you get it.  She's a great dog - loves to cuddle and very smart.

    Questions are fine - though I'm by no means a dog expert. There are others on here who have more knowledge than I do. :)
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