
Update on the job. (WOL)

Well sorry to leave you all hanging. It was quite a shock and it took me a few minutes longer to clear my desk out than I thought it would.

I should not have been as shocked as I was. Things have just been all to weird. He said that this was not performance based that what was left of my salery was needed elsewhere in the company and that he should have let me go a long time ago but being my friend and all he kept me around. (Then he patted himself literally on the shoulder saying he was proud of himself for being able to keep me on till Jan)

All and all I'm sure that FI and I are going to be fine. I'm concerned with the fact that I still need to have two surgeries and now my insurance is in jeopardy. But I'm not too sad to be leaving a job where my pay checks played hide and seek.

Re: Update on the job. (WOL)

  • edited December 2011
    It could be a blessing in disguise, E. Can you get extended/Cobra insurance?

    Enjoy the day and don't think too much about it. There'll be plenty of time for that.
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  • edited December 2011
    That blows and he's even more of a jerk now than I thought he was before.  I'm sending you lots of vibes that you will find something quickly that will pay you regularly and get you the insurance you need.  ((hugs))
  • edited December 2011
    (Then he patted himself literally on the shoulder saying he was proud of himself for being able to keep me on till Jan)

    What a weirdo, and an @ss! So can you collect unemployment, since he let you go vs. fired you?
  • elishanbelishanb member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Kim- yes unemployment is no problem (thank goodness)
  • Er/jerEr/jer member
    edited December 2011
    Wow - I'm sorry, E!  He sounds like such a jerk!  :/

    Like M said - try to enjoy being off today, and tomorrow start thinking about where to go from here.  You should be able to collect unemployment, even though it's just a fraction of your salary. 

    I'll keep my eye out for potential jobs for you - if you decide you want to try to look before your surgeries.  Let me know if you're thinking to stay part-time, or want to find full-time.

    Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
  • New_to_PGHNew_to_PGH member
    edited December 2011
    Ditto the others - go ahead and sign up for unemployment today (i've been told you can do it quickly online, but can't really confirm), kick back and relax for a day or two. See if you can purchase COBRA to continue your medical insurance for the next few months. And start job searching after your relaxation.

    I hope your next job is exceptionally fun, and they manage to pay you regularly :)
  • edited December 2011
    I'm sorry, E.  I know it wasn't the perfect job situation for you anyway, but what a crappy thing for him to do (and then to pat himself on the back, argh!)  GL with figuring out the health insurance. 

    Many vibes you find something wonderful SOON! 
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  • d78d78
    edited December 2011
    Aw, I'm sorry to hear this! I agree with PPs about what to do next. Email me if you want about the types of jobs you're looking for and stuff. I know a little about the job market, though I've been out of that field for a bit. :-)
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    E, I'm sorry to hear that your boss is such a butthead.  Who pats themself on the back while letting someone go after months of paycheck discrepancies?  I hope you get your health insurance worked out in plenty of time for your surgeries and find an awesome new opportunity soon.

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • elishanbelishanb member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011

    Thanks Ladies. Been spending some time with FI trying to talk a few things out. It's hard not to make snap decisions when your emotions are running high. I really am trying to stay level headed about the whole thing though.

     As far as going back to work, I would really like to go back into a salon. I miss it alot. I've been missing it for a while now. I need these surgeries to get over with before hand so I am comfortable with all the standing so that is still the issue but I guess with a little time we'll figure that out.

    Thanks again for listening. You are all the best.

  • missizzmissizz member
    edited December 2011
    Elisha, I'm so sorry!  Definitely look at it as a positive thing.  When I lost what I thought was a very secure job, I was so disappointed and didn't know what to do.  However, it worked out for the best because I'm at a place that I love!  If you're looking for temp work, I highly recommend Office Team, they found me my now permanent job within days.
  • edited December 2011
    Oh E, I am sorry to hear about them letting you go. But it definitey sounds like it could be a blessing in disguise - especially since your paychecks were SO inconsistent.

    I was unemployed a few years ago, and I think I was able to sign up online pretty quickly, so definitely do that. Good luck finding a new job!

    Dave & Jennifer 10.18.08
    My Doha Adventures
  • edited December 2011
    I just read your post. I'm sorry, E. :(

    As it wasn't performance-based, I think you can say you were "laid off" rather than fired in future interviews, on applications, etc.

    So sorry. I hope you find something else soon.

    *Hugs* for you from a thousand miles away.
  • elishanbelishanb member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Kwynn- I guess "Laid off" sounds better than "fired" :)
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