I'm not sure if this board does this my wedding month board does. Need some KV, advice and support. please.
But my tinny little 5lb kitten ran away last night. I've been up all night walking the neighborhood, the woods, putting up flyers, and talking to some neighbors. And I still cant find her. She is so sweet and has never spent the night outside before.
I know I probably sound like a crazy cat lady, but this kitten is very close to me. I found her when she was only a couple weeks old, her eyes were barely open, she was very sick and I had to bottle feed her.
This has been a very hard year for me, I've been very sick too. In and out of hospitals diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Migraines. And currently being tested for MS.
She was like my little sick buddy. She is always by my side and I am just so worried about her!!
I live in the Brookline section of Pgh, if any one on here lives there and sees a tiny little greyish/brown tabby cat. Her name is Scrappy, she meows alot. But is very friendly and playful and loving. Could you look for the flyers and help her home or call the number on there? Or please email me at bruiser2428@yahoo.com. Thank you!
I don't know what else I should do, if I should call the city, do they pick up cats?