
MIA all day.

Hello ladies!

Sorry I have been MIA today. I got to get out of the house today! Everyone has been telling me all week not to waste my time that it's gross and cold and I should just stay in. But they were wrong. Sure it was cold and gloomy, but when you haven't seen outside in 6 days, everything is beautiful.

We went to the bank, the wine store, the beer store (have to be ready for the snow after all ;p) the grocery store and Fed Ex Office.

We also drove around down town for a little while and picked out a few more random spots for some wedding pictures. After our conversation on here yesterday about limos I'm really leaning towards just finding pic spots close enough to walk to and not worrying at all about a limo,

Anyway enough of my rambling I just wanted to say hello!

Re: MIA all day.

  • edited December 2011
    Hey, E, glad you got to get out! I'm the opposite- looking forward to being in for a couple of days. But 6 days is a long time to stay in! And yay for looking at picture spots- sounds like it would be best to pass on the limo, and find close pic locations instead. It'll save time and $.
  • elishanbelishanb member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    That's exactly what we were thinking Kim.
    Saving time and $$. The $$ thing is obvious, but the time thing would be a nice the to save. It would take a lot of time to load up the entire bridal party, get us to another location snap some pics, load everyone back up and get back to the venue.
    After I am walking again we are going to go go down again an instead of driving around we are going to walk around and see how long it takes to get anywhere.
  • edited December 2011
    Glad you got stocked up on beer and wine, I would have done the same thing if we got snow down here Wink


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