May 2012 Weddings

* 15k RACE UPDATE! + PIP- I survived and met my goal... despite...

lessons learned on my part!

Here's my race recap (kinda long) + some photos :)

For those who were there with me, ya'll know how it ended...with the meaty looking feet..but let's walk through how I got there. I've been training since about January building up my mileage as I've always been an avid 5ker...and that was the farthest I ran. I started running with the fabulous ladies of the Brandon Running Association and with their support made it to 9.1 miles. So, here comes race day...I have been through enough races to know rookie mistakes...cotton shirts...old tennis running shoes....and what do I decide to wear? New running shoes (lesson 1)...yes, you may kick me. So, us girls gear up at the start and take off ... I ran out the gate too fast at around a 8:30 pace knowing I was to stay around 9:30 (lesson 2). By mile 3 the sun was coming out in full force and I was already inhaler was with Gary (lesson 3) instead of with me so I was having a hard time breathing in the humidity. I was doomed when I started stopping to breathe at water stops...I never stop...I always slow down...but today was a different day. By the turnaround at Ballast point (4.70 miles or so) I was beat..and this continued all the way until around mile 7.75. As I was on yet another walk break (lesson 4) I saw Jess and she ran me in the rest of the way. Her words of encouragement helped me to not only finish strong at 1:30:21 (my goal being 1:30 at the most so with walk breaks that's not 1/2 bad) but she made sure I looked up,smiled, and took good race photos ;) As I came to the finish, there was my handsome fiance waiting for me....I walked right past him and found the nearest port-o-let....did my bidness (lesson 5)....and then embraced him..I missed him there by my side but was so glad to see him...we walked to the water/medal station (up the hill by the convention center, bad placement) and then to meet the other B.R.A. folks...on the way to the car my feet were aching...once the socks were off I knew why I was shoes = horrible blisters = dumb Kat. So, lessons learned...blisters drained and feet tapes up...and I'll prepare for the Bolt Run 5 miler next...with many lessons learned ;) Thank you to ALL who were there as moral support through this running journey of mine!

Me with my running group

Me at the finisher's photo area
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