
Good Morning

Morning ladies,
   I hate getting up when it's still dark out, it makes it so hard.  Fingers crossed today is better then yesterday.  I had 3 testing groups yesterday because of make up tests, and one of my kids got mad at me and whipped his pencil at my head.  Then my  printer wasn't going well yesterday.
  It's a new day though-and the weather is supposed to be nicer, so let's hope it's a great day!  Is anyone going to do a Tell me Tuesday post today?
  Have a great day!
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Re: Good Morning

  • lildiva1977lildiva1977 member
    edited December 2011
    Good morning!! I cant sleep!  I haven't posted in quite sometime, but I am at home for a bit because I am having some neuro issues.  Have a good day everyone!
  • gmc22gmc22 member
    edited December 2011
    Good Morning!

    I'm still completely exhausted today... I had a fairly relaxing night last night. FI and I went to Tennessee Barbeque last night - it was SO good :) Then I just relaxed and watched Jessica Simpson's new show The Price of Beauty - it was pretty good. Anyway - it's another school night for me so that means another long day :( boo... well I hope everyone has a great day!

    Heather - I hope your day is a bit better!!
    lildiva - I hope you feel better... and that everything is ok!
  • edited December 2011
    Good Morning!  Last night I ordered our STDs!  Woo!  I'm starting to go into panic mode about everything that needs done, knowing there is a little over 6 months to the wedding and my "busy season" at work is just begining.  I'll make my list today and hopefully feel better!

    It is supposed to be a really nice week so that will definitely lift my mood Smile

    Have a great day!
    Favorite Thing About Fall- Fall Foods, apple pie, pumpkin cookies, apple cider... YUM!

    Planning Bio

  • edited December 2011
    Good Morning! I've been pretty frustrated with my coworker since yesterday and now today. She was gone almost 2 hours yesterday to visit a coworker in the hospital, resulting in me taking lunch later (she didn't get back on time to relieve me). Now she still isn't here (starts at 8) b/c she was taking her car somewhere or picking it up. She did that last week too. I am just sick of it, but there is of course nothing I can say or do. That other position is looking real good right now... haven't heard anything yet, but hopefully soon.
    H- Hope you're having a better day so far!
    D- Nice to "see" you! Good health vibes and prayers your way!
    M- Yay for ordering the STDs! And I love making lists- it always makes me feel better!
  • edited December 2011
    Good Morning all,

    I also hate getting up while it is still dark. I cannot seem to get my butt out of bed!
    Last night was fine, I went to zumba which was really hard. Not just exhausting, the moves were super difficult and I had an annoying spastic girl in front of me who kept moving backwards when you weren't supposed to and throwing her arms all around when there was no reason too... ugh. But, at least I got a work out in, so that's good. My fantastic FI had dinner waiting for me! Yay!

    Only 3 more days until Pittsburgh! I am so excited!

    Heather- I hope your day goes well, and way to dodge those flying objects! Hope the kiddos shape up today!

    lildiva- I hope you post more often and everything is OK!

    GMC- Hope today goes fast! TN BBQ sounds delicious!

    Have a good day everyone!
    RT + JB
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    The only item I will not compromise bouquet of all purple tulips wrapped in a swatch from my Mom's wedding dress.
  • gmc22gmc22 member
    edited December 2011
    Meg - YAY for the STD's!!! How exciting!! Try not to stress too much. I'm sure everything will comel together perfectly!
    Kim - I hope your day turns around... It's always so annoying when coworkers do dumb things that affect you...
    JL- Glad you got in a fun workout and sorry the crazy girl was so annoying! haha what is Zumba? I've heard it mentioned A LOT and have no clue what it is!! Oh and how sweet of your FI to make you dinner!! That's awesome! :)
  • edited December 2011
    jbaxter-yay for your trip to Pittsburgh!  I hope you get lots done!
    lildiva-good to see you on!  Good vibes coming your way!
    Kim-I hate co-workers that's so unfair, I hope she gets there soon!
    Meg-YAY for the save the dates!
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  • edited December 2011
    Yea, she rolled in at 9:45, which isn't that bad, but hour and 45 min. late. *eyeroll* It's not a huge deal (like yesterday, I could stand to wait 20 more min. to go to lunch, even though I was pretty hungry), but it's just amazing what she gets away with.
  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    A late good morning to you all!  I had an MRI this morning that got me to work very late.  And they gave me a surprise IV... I've never had one before.  Yuck!  Last night I had a super fun workout class (ballet bootcamp) and then one of my roomies made delicious dinner for me and a couple other girls.

    G, Zumba is an aerobics class that combines elements of Latin and other types of dance.  It's very high energy and uses great music, usually a mix of popular Top 40 stuff and some special Zumba music.  I love it!

    Meg, congratulations on the STDs!!  That's a big check :)

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • edited December 2011
    I hope everything's ok, LaFemme! The IV does not sound pleasant, esp. the first thing in the morning.
  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Kim, I'm fine, just wimpy ;)  I have visual aura migraines and I'm finally getting around to getting them checked out by a doctor, but it's a pretty textbook case and this is just regular protocol.

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • edited December 2011
    Oh, that's good to hear then (not that you get them, but that it's nothing out of the norm). And I sympathize, for I too a wimpy/whiny when it comes to pain and medical-related things, even doctor visits.
  • edited December 2011

    Jen-Yuck I hate MRI's, glad yours was ok though...and that everything is basically ok.
    Kim-That still sucks that she came in that late-BLAH

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