Florida-South Florida

Candy Buffet

To all my ladies who are doing or thinking about doing a candy table, what kind of candy are you all thinking about, loose candy or wrapped candy or a combination of both. I"m just trying to get ideas and makes notes so that I can go back and how many cylinders are you going to have for your candy, I'm thinking for me 6 and was thinking about getting a tier display that I can put either mini cakes or chocolate covered strawberries or both.   I want my guest to have more then just cake for dessert, since I love desserts.

Re: Candy Buffet

  • I'm using a combo of wrapped and loose candies in my colors....I think you can use anywhere from 6-10 jars depending on how many people you're having and the size of the jars....most importantly, make sure the jars are easy to get the candy out of and remember if the jars are too big, you need to buy enough candy to fill them up or they won't look as nice If you go to Party City, they have a pretty big section of colored candy so you can get an estimate of how much you may need to fill your jars Also, check out theses sites I bookmarked, they may provide you with some in site or ideas http://www.projectwedding.com/wedding-ideas/candy-buffet-faq http://www.dollartree.com/assets/product_files/pdf/dollar_tree_weddings/candy_dessert_buffet.pdf Good luck, I think the candy buffet is my favorite DIY project! I've already started buying my jars
  • I'm doing a Candy Buffet too!!  I have 8 jars for my 70-75 guests.  I'm going to buy my candy from the Sugar Man in Broward.  I am so glad my venue has those acrylic risers so my candy can be of different levels.

    SoFla September Siggy - Hair Inspiration imageimage
  • thanks ladies!  Empiregr5 thanks for the website, very helpful. This has to be the most fun DIY project even though I haven't started yet, but just the ideas I'm getting its going to be hard to decide how I want to set it up. If you all get done send pictures I'd love to see them.
  • i love candy tables! my good friend had one at her wedding and she did something very interesting. it was a colombian/mexican interculutar marriage and they made all loose candy from both countries. i am looking to do something like that as well! thought it was a great idea. i love it when there are bigger compartments where you can put the candy but in many different heights its a great eye piece fo the party and add some flowers to match center pieces! hope it comes out great! 
    "Singer, songwriter, pet lover, hiking enthusiast, and Wikipedia contributor!"
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