
Cat's Call from PG

Something we all can relate to on some level...

Meg's Call: Reconsider your plans for the wedding and save your sanity. 

Favorite Thing About Fall- Fall Foods, apple pie, pumpkin cookies, apple cider... YUM!

Planning Bio

Re: Cat's Call from PG

  • edited December 2011

    Yikes. It's sad to see what people will do for money, and to have the "perfect" wedding. Unless she wants to look like hell on her wedding day, she'd better give up the second job.

  • edited December 2011
    ouch. I would so rather be happy and healthy on my wedding day than have an extravagent event and be tired and frumpy for it...
  • edited December 2011
    She's been working for a year and only made $5500?

    What kind of job is she working?

    She's only making $105 per week. Unless she's only working like ten hours per week, she should be pulling in more than that, IMO.

    So either she's exaggerating in her original letter about working every single day sun up to sundown or she has a money management probem in general.

    Why isn't the FI/DH working too?

    Fast math: If she was working every day after work plus both weekend days, she could work 40 hours per week at her "part-time" job. Even at minimum wage and being taxed 40% (which I highly doubt) she should have been able to save over 10k in a year.

    She'd be better off to take a long hard look at her budget from her day job and figure out how to stretch it or work at a restaurant and get tips, etc.

    I worked 7 days a week leading up to my wedding and I was in grad school and I was okay, but I wasn't working until midnight every night either! ;)

    I think Cat's wrong...this girl can stick it out to September and be fine for her March wedding. September isn't that far away!
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with Kwynn.  When I was getting prepping for the wedding I was working full time during the day as well as teaching four night a week (and the associated prep work and grading that goes along with it) and had my DH traveling most of the time.  I was working from 7AM to 9 PM, then coming home to do prep work and grading.  Plus, I was DIYing a lot of things for the wedding at the same time. 

    If she works until September, she'll still have 6 months to prep for the wedding without dual jobs.  I worked three jobs until the middle of May and got married in the middle of June.  Guess what? I sucked it up and got through it, and honestly, it wasn't that bad!  She needs to reexamine what the hell is going on with her life if it's driving her that insane.
  • jaimed99jaimed99 member
    edited December 2011
    Playing Devil's Advocate here...she could have saved up $5500 that she set aside, not necessarily all the money from her second job.  I also wonder where FI is in this equation...because if she's insisting that she pay for it all...they're going to have a pretty crappy marriage...forget the big, fancy wedding...
  • edited December 2011
    I also questioned why there is no mention of the FI and his contribution.  Is he sitting home playing video games or is he working during the day and attending night classes?  We're very fortunate to have a lot of help with our wedding, but if we were on our own, I'd be totally happy with a small ceremony and cocktail party we could afford and not put myself into the ground trying to pay for it. 
  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    Yeah, I too feel like something is missing here.  Maybe she just had a goal of saving up $10,000 as her contribution to the larger wedding budget, and it's not her total take-home pay?  Maybe her FI has a similar goal?  I think it's weird that he isn't mentioned, though- like, doesn't he care that she's killing herself to save up this amount of money?

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • missyt180missyt180 member
    edited December 2011
    Its odd that the reason she wants to quit is because she is tired and can't work out.  Not because she isn't spending time with FI.

    I don't know, it sounds fishy.
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