
WR Question: Order of events during reception

I was wondering if any of you engaged ladies have thought about the order of events during the reception.


Married ladies, how did things go down on your day?

(By this I mean when did first dance, toasts, cake cutting, F/D dance, etc. take place through out the night?)

Re: WR Question: Order of events during reception

  • edited December 2011
    Good post!

    This was my initial thought:

    1. Introduction of bridal party (5:30pm)
    2. Cut the cake (5:40pm)
    3. Prayer (5:50pm)
    4. Serving of salad (6:00pm)
    5. MOH/BM Toast (6:00pm)
    6. Serving of Dinner (6:10pm)
    7. Serving of Cake/Bride and Groom first dance (6:40ish)
    8. Father/Daughter dance (if we have one)/Mother/Son dance (6:45pm)
    9. Dancing (7-11pm)
    10. Dollar Dance (8pm)

    Of course this is all estimates and it isn't going to go as planned but...
    Favorite Thing About Fall- Fall Foods, apple pie, pumpkin cookies, apple cider... YUM!

    Planning Bio

  • edited December 2011
    We did ours this way:
    1) Intros
    2) First dance
    3) Cake Cutting
    4) Blessing
    5) Salad Course
    6) Toasts
    7) Dinner 
    8) F/D Dance
    9) M/S Dance
    10) Desert
    11) Open Dancing
    12) Bouquet/Garter Toss
    13) Open Dancing

    Ours worked out best this way because we were serving the cake as desert AND the best area for everyone to watch our first dance was immediately at the bottom of the staircase that we used to enter (the dj/dance area was in a second room, whereas the entrance was in the main dining area).
  • elishanbelishanb member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    This is good. I have no idea what we're going to do. How weird is it that FI is against having a prayer or blessing before the meal? neither of us are super religious (we both were raised going to church just don't go anymore) but I think our families would be shocked not to have one.
  • edited December 2011
    We did ours a bit differently by waiting to cut the cake until after dinner. I honestly cannot remember the exact order we did things off the top of my head...I had an idea of the order, and told our DJ, but I pretty much let him take it from there. He kept everything on track. Don't get me wrong, planning the order/general timing of events is good, but I didn't think it was necessary to put a time to every single thing. Just my thoughts!
  • edited December 2011
    I am late to this, but here is how things went down (as you put it, lol):

    Bride and Groom Entrance
    Cake Cutting (as soon as we entered)
    Toasts (right after the cake cutting)
    Dancing (First dance, mother/son, uncle/niece dance) then party all night!

    We skipped the bouquet and garter toss. I don't subject my friends to things like that.

    Dave & Jennifer 10.18.08
    My Doha Adventures
  • edited December 2011
    JBee - we didn't subject our friends to the tosses either.  It was all family, many of whom I don't care for, that were subjected to the torture Tongue out
  • edited December 2011
    Also, I won't lie - I did not plan any of this out in advance like my Type A sister wanted me to.

    My awesome DJ really took care of the agenda for the evening, and I did not have to worry about a thing. It was great!

    Dave & Jennifer 10.18.08
    My Doha Adventures
  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    Oh, good post!  I haven't thought about this at all.  *bookmarks these ideas*

    I also have no idea if we will end up doing the bouquet toss or garter toss.  FI sort of wants to, I sort of don't.  I caught the bouquet at the wedding of one of my bridesmaids this summer, and it was such a cool experience- and we were engaged two months later!  But I don't want people to be pressured to participate in something they don't want to do.  Thoughts on this?

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • elishanbelishanb member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I love the thought of not having to think about this and letting the DJ deal with it but Fi and I went to a wedding a few years ago where they cut the cake at a "weird time" (FI's words not mine) So it got me in mirco manage mind. (I hate that part of my mind)

    Lafem- I'm sort of on the fence about the tossing of things. FI says we "have to" So we are undecided too.

    He's much more opinionated about these things than I would have ever thought
  • edited December 2011
    Quite honestly Jenn, for us, it just did not make sense. I had VERY few, if any single ladies at my wedding, so it would have been a very empty room I was tossing to.

    If you think your friends and family will have fun with it, then go ahead. I just knew it was something I did not want to do. 

    Dave & Jennifer 10.18.08
    My Doha Adventures
  • edited December 2011
    I'm in the same boat as JennyBee, we won't have that many single friends/family at the wedding.  Secondly, FI doesn't really like being the center of attention and asked to not do it.

    Favorite Thing About Fall- Fall Foods, apple pie, pumpkin cookies, apple cider... YUM!

    Planning Bio

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