
Kim- 2nd reception!

So how was it?! Perhaps you already talked about it, but I wasn't around- so do tell! Hopefully it was a good drunken time! Did you end up wearing your dress? Have any pictures? Get any good gifts?

Re: Kim- 2nd reception!

  • edited December 2011

    Eh, it was ok. They made food for 150 people, but only 20ish showed up. I found out that she wanted to have it at that time b/c she figured a lot of elderly people from their church would come, and that they would want to get home early. They never did show though, so she was a bit bummed. It was nice though- I took a few pics I'll have to upload to FB. She made a 2 layer lemon cake (DH's fav), and there were lots of cupcakes and sweets, plus turkey, ham, stuffing, and green beans buffet style.

    It was super casual/informal, so no dress- it would have looked incredibly out of place, plus it was cold and I didn't want to get it dirty. I did visit it at my parents though- first time I saw it after getting it cleaned. It looks good. No alcohol either, b/c the firehall  they had it at is a community room, so no booze allowed.

    MIL specifically told people they did not have to bring gifts (thank goodness, b/c it prob. wouldn't be from my registry, and Iwe have no more room in our apt.), so we got some cards. We did receive a handmade afghan though that is beautiful. It was nice and low-key overall.

  • edited December 2011
    oh... sounds kinda fun I guess.  That sucks that only 20 people came- and thats a ton of food!  Did you guys 'cut the cake' or do any wedding things? It sounds more like a little get together for her friends to celebrate with you guys.  That's cute.  I can see now why you weren't too excited for it. Did you at least wear a white sweater!? lol
  • edited December 2011
    Haha, no white sweater, and no cutting the cake or other wedding traditions. It was basically just a GTG. It was nice though b/c I got to connect some faces to names, and we don't make it up to his area very much, so at least we got to spend a little time there.
  • edited December 2011
    Aw, well I'm glad it wasn't too rough! 
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