New Jersey

Nanina's In the Park & The Seasons Off Season Pricing (Feb-March Fri & Sun)

Hi all-

I was wondering how much other brides had gotten estimated for Nanina's and/or The Seasons for Jan - March, Friday and/or Sundays..?  I have an appointment at both venues in about a week but wanted to get an idea before sitting down with them. 

I know they are both pricey but wanted to compare the differences between Fridays and Sundays during winter season.   

I'm pretty nervous (I'm sure I will love both venues and heard the food is phenomenal but) since I've read alot of reviews on the management and staff being snobby or rude it makes me wonder if a lavish place is worth the penny.  I don't like mean people, especially if I'm paying, lol. But I understand I have to take reviews with a grain of salt also.

Thank you for your help knotties.  

Re: Nanina's In the Park & The Seasons Off Season Pricing (Feb-March Fri & Sun)

  • I booked with Naninas thier pricing was cheaper in Feb and became more expensive the later you booked in March. Early March was about $115 a head.

    In Response to Nanina's In the Park & The Seasons Off Season Pricing (Feb-March Fri & Sun):
    [QUOTE]Hi all- I was wondering how much other brides had gotten estimated for Nanina's and/or The Seasons for Jan - March, Friday and/or Sundays..?  I have an appointment at both venues in about a week but wanted to get an idea before sitting down with them.  I know they are both pricey but wanted to compare the differences between Fridays and Sundays during winter season.    I'm pretty nervous (I'm sure I will love both venues and heard the food is phenomenal but) since I've read alot of reviews on the management and staff being snobby or rude it makes me wonder if a lavish place is worth the penny.  I don't like mean people, especially if I'm paying, lol. But I understand I have to take reviews with a grain of salt also. Thank you for your help knotties.  
    Posted by PetKatSold2011[/QUOTE]
  • I believe Seasons is in the low 100's in February. I called and that was what I was quoted. I don't particularly love the separation of the dance floor and the seating in Nanina's also they have one wedding per night so usually that is what causes the price to be higher.
  • Thank you for the responses ladies! :)
  • This sounds curt and it's not my goal - but just call them. You won't have to give the same name as your meeting and they should tell you over the phone. I was able to call many places and get an idea and then we sat down with those that would be fit our budget.
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  • No that's not curt just direct. :) I've spoken to them over the phone but your right, I didn't ask for specifics as in price range, only flexibility in dates and guest count. I have a bit of spending room in my budget so I didn't want to stop myself from checking it out if they were more on my higher end so I thought I'd check it out first. Not that I want to waste my time but I want to feel like I'm checking out all my options, lol. Another reason being is because my future MIL has a connection at Naninas. I'll try and see if I can call again to get my info.
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