my turn? really? no. it can't be. when i joined the boards our wedding was the last one to roll around out of everyone! i seriously felt like the last 2 weeks have been a dream and i would wake up at some point to find that it was actually september, and not at all december and 2 weeks prior to the wedding. good lord, where did the time go?
thanks for everyone's help over the past year. i know nobody is really around today, but the thread will be here when everyone returns on monday (at which time i plan to be sleeping on the beach....ahhh).
we still have to pack up boxes for the lemont and take them over there. rehearsal is at 2pm (early, since the lemont has 2 NYE weddings there tonight) and the RD is at 3:30pm....i can't wait to eat!!! i'm crashing at the hilton tonight with the BM's and family and *maybe* going out for a bit. tomorrow = craziness.
see you girls on the flip side!
*immediately chokes back tears*