
Proper Etiquette for Addressing Invites...

Hi ladies,
I had some questions re. invites

-If a couple lives together and isn't married, does the female's name go first?

-For a woman that is married but kept her maiden name, would it be her name and then his name (with the "and" inbetween the two?)

-When saying "and guest" should guest be captialized? (Anyone in an actual relationship I am having written out the other person's name, this is just for people that aren't in one but I want them to be able to bring someone if they want...)

TIA for all your help and responses,
My travel and cooking blog

Maui, November 2011

Re: Proper Etiquette for Addressing Invites...

  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    1. Yes, the lady's name should go first.

    2. Yep, that's right.  "Anne Smith and Douglas Jones"  (And unmarried people should never be joined by "and," technically.)

    3. Yes, capitalize- "Anne Smith and Guest"


    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • phillychica85phillychica85 member
    Sixth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for pointing that out about #2!
    (in afterthought I can see why that should never be, namely my brother's girlfriend of 6 1/2 years...)
    My travel and cooking blog

    Maui, November 2011
  • edited December 2011
    I know etiquette says the woman's name goes first if it's a couple that's together but not married, but if it was a guy friend, I put his name first. It made more sense to me than putting some person that I may not even have met first.

    Oops, guess that makes my wedding invalid!


  • edited December 2011
    KBielak17- Mine will be invaild as well!  I agree with you, if it is a male friend that we are inviting but don't really know the S/O I'm going to put the male friend's name first! haha

    Favorite Thing About Fall- Fall Foods, apple pie, pumpkin cookies, apple cider... YUM!

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  • phillychica85phillychica85 member
    Sixth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I'm going to be a pest with my postings, but for an unmarried couple that lives together, should I have the calligrapher put the woman's name on the first line and guy's on second? Or, should they still both be on the same line, just sans the "and"? (I'm sorry if that's painfully obvious or understood, such a neophyte at this...)
    My travel and cooking blog

    Maui, November 2011
  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    That is what I'm doing for unmarried couples who live together- woman's name on one line, man's name on a second line below.  I can't really figure out any other way to do this without the "and" in between.  And I really don't think much of etiquette is painfully obvious, haha :)

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • edited December 2011
    Oh good, we'll be invalid together :)


  • kime31kime31 member
    edited December 2011
    Here is another question:  I hate putting Mr. & Mrs. His Last Name especially for my younger friends who are married.  So if I am putting both of their first names do I omit the Mr. & Mrs. and just put Jane & John Doe or do I put Mrs. Jane & Mr. John Doe?
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:116Discussion:8b4d5930-1cf4-47ec-83de-4049bbaa5272Post:2746fa43-8913-46c8-abbf-012079f2bfa3">Re: Proper Etiquette for Addressing Invites...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Here is another question:  I hate putting Mr. & Mrs. His Last Name especially for my younger friends who are married.  So if I am putting both of their first names do I omit the Mr. & Mrs. and just put Jane & John Doe or do I put Mrs. Jane & Mr. John Doe?
    Posted by kime31[/QUOTE]

    Hmm... I'm not sure, but I think omiting Mr. & Mrs. sounds better, though that would make it less formal. I just did it the traditional way of Mr. & Mrs. His FirstName LastName.
  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    Kime, I personally really dislike "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith" and refuse to do it for my invitations.  There are a couple of options:

    1. Omit the "Mr. and Mrs." altogether.  This is what I'm doing: Jane and John Smith.  If the "Mr. and Mrs." are not present, the woman's name always goes first.

    2. Just write "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and leave out any first names.  The "Mr." always goes first when titles are present.

    It's not really proper etiquette to separate the first names from the last one- so "Mr. John and Mrs. Jane Smith" isn't really something you're supposed to do, although I have no idea why.

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • edited December 2011
    To answer severl ?s ago, it should definitely be 2 lines for men and women unmarried.  They are technically supposed to be indented different ways, but I did not have my calligrapher do that (the entire address was centered on the invitation). 
    August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.
  • kime31kime31 member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for the answers again ladies - you guys are the best!  I really dislike the idea of using the guys first and last name because to me you just loose the entire identity of the woman in the relationship - just a silly pet peeve that I have.  But then again I'm not sure that I am going to take my FI's last name - probably something I should figure out soon, lol.  He's okay with whatever I decide which is nice but doesn't make the decision any easier.   But thanks again!
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