I have an international bridesmaid who, long story short, guilted me into allowing her to be a BM. I would have preferred she be a guest. I actually heeded Knotties' advice and just said okay. She was my exchange student in high school and we have stayed in contact every since, visiting one another every couple of years.
Late last year, my mom insisted that she and her boyfriend stay at their house when they were in town. I told my BM. So everything was settled.
Since then, my parents suddenly moved (their house wasn't up for sale, but someone put an offer on their house they couldn't refuse) and they moved into less expensive living quarters - a condo. Their flat has only two bedrooms. The building has a suite with another two bedrooms that can be rented out for around $150 per night. When they moved, I asked my mom if I should find my international BM another place to stay, and she said no, that they'd rent the suite for them and stick with their original offer
My brother and his girlfriend will only be in town on Friday and Saturday night and they'll be sharing the suite, so my dad now refuses to pay for anything but the two nights my brother will be in. The international bridesmaid will be here a total of seven nights, which leaves me with four nights unaccounted for. I don't want to put them in the position where they'd have to arrive to bring their things to a hotel, haul them to the suite at the condo, then back to the hotel - but $750 is a lot (that would come out of my own bank account) when we're on a budget paying for the wedding and we will not be staying in a hotel room ourselves, even on our wedding night. But I also don't want to stick the BM with the costs that I originally said wouldn't be there.
Do you have any suggestions? Do I just put the $750 on my credit card and call it a loss? I'm drawing a blank here.
Thank you!