Hi ladies!
So I have a wedding invitation question or 3!

1. This may sound really dumb, but do your wedding invitation match your "wedding colors"? For example, I found some classic invitations that I love that are ecru / black writing and design, very simple and pretty. However - black and ecru are NOT my wedding colors. But do most people order invitations based on their wedding colors?
(I wouldn't order invitations that are navy/pink and then have my wedding colors be brown/yellow - but not sure how much you have to incorporate, if at all)
2. Letterpress - OMG do I love letterpress - of course, b/c its SO MUCH more expensive! I looked on Etsy and found some "decent" deals (ha!), but wanted to see- did any of you use "letterpress-esque" printing (I saw a few options of this - basically I think it was digital printing made to look like letterpress/not debosed) with luck? Or did you find someone that is still new/cheap to letterpress that turned out well?
3. Etsy/online vs. brick/mortar store - I am thinking that Esty / online will garner the best pricing (and actually found some I really liked so far) but are there any local Pittsburgh shops that are just amazing? Looking out here in LA is a joke, they are SO overpriced.