Wedding Etiquette Forum

Annoyed and probably reading too much into this...

my sister is my MOH, and i love her dearly. But she is older than I am, and singe, and not always the best sport about things.

Today I told her I booked our rooms at the hotel, and that if she could pick up her own room on Thursday night, I'll cover her on Friday night (when we're staying together) and I"ll pay for that room (an awesome suite) for her for Saturday  as well. She's responded to all of my other emails today, and not that one and I swear I think she's upset that she has to pay for one night at the hotel. I hope I'm crazy, becasue it's one night!!

Re: Annoyed and probably reading too much into this...

  • Did you talk to her before hand about her having to pay for a night?  If not and you sprung this on her she may just be surprised.  And if she can't afford it then she may be trying to find a way to respond.

    Or she may have just gotten really busy and hasn't been able to check her email.

  • She always knew she would be staying at the hotel - i thought she'd be surprised she didn't have to pay for 3 nights! Hopefully she's just busy. I'm a little emotional right now, so I'm probably over reacting. But, I kind of thought I'd get a "Thanks, that's nice of you to do."
  • Maggie - PS - your photo makes me smile every time you post bc you look SO HAPPY :)
  • Wait til tomorrow. If she doesn't respond by then, call her and follow-up. I wouldn't worry about it, honestly. Unless you already offered to pay and your reneging on the offer by asking her to pay for Thursday night, you're fine and she probably expected to pay for her own lodging.

  • It sounds like a non-issue at this point. It was very generous of you to pay for two nights and as long as she knew all along that she'd have to pay SOMETHING, at least, you're fine. Just give her a few more days. Maybe she's re-thinking the costs and will want to stay elsewhere on Thursday?
  • Thanks ladies.

    Oh, Southern, I meant to msg you before - I've never heard of a strolling dinner before and love that term! I definitely understood what you were describing, and now I understand better the S.C. wedding I went to a few weeks ago.

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