Chit Chat

The Minions are BAACK!!

Happy Friday everyone!!

I posted before Memorial Day about all the work I had to do at my job and at home before fly to big brother's wedding. (Side note, wedding was lovely, food good, bride so beautiful I cried, good bonding with brother, and FI got to meet the nieces!) I felt like I had 500 minions from Despicable Me running around in my head. Well, they are back.

I'd been trying to get a memo out before Memorial Day to my boss. Boss asked coworker (whom I've previously written about in Head, Meet Desk posts) to review it. (Side note- I'm in healthcare law, in first year of practice, and your first 5 years, you are considered a "baby" in terms of experience. But I work hard to get results. Coworker has tons of experience from an almost 30 year career). Coworker responded with some thoughts and comments and a list of cases I should look at. Finally got through the cases, finally got tons of other work done so I could rework this memo this week. By yesterday, beating my head against the screen because I can't figure out the best way to incorporate what Coworker was talking about. So I went to Coworker and asked if we could sit down and discuss it. During discussion, she was confused about what I was talking about (3 things have been added to the memo. I think we need 3 seperate memos, but It's not my job to tell Boss that!) Asked that I send her original memo and prompt from boss. Meet back 30 minutes later, spend 45 minutes where she verbally flayed the memo to pieces. She wasn't nasty about it, she was honest and said repeatedly, "I want to help you streamline your thinking, get this right, so Boss doesn't jump all over you, and this can be something we can present in court if necessary." I'm honestly really glad she did it. I realized after I felt like I was drowning in it, but now I have a huge poster board sheet of notes and am working with an outline on it. We recently had a change in administration, and nothing against former bosses (who are still awesome, talented people), but I realized yesterday how little my employment and job activities thus far had done to prepare me for this level of work. It was a sheltering I went along with because I didn't know any better.

So good news: I'm on track for improving the memo, and while CoWorker is impossible to work under on a project, she is very knowledgeable and very willing to help me in communal activities. I think if I hash this out with Boss, she would be impressed as to how I'm growing into what she wants.

Bad news: I'm heading to my folks this weekend for Father's Day/Dad's 70th birthday. I have cookies to bake, a gift baggie to put together for him, cleaning, laundry, packing, and prepping kitties for us going out of town without them. I also have till 5 pm today to finish re-researching this memo and redrafting the whole thing. As a result, I'm at work at 7:15 this morning, and will be working through lunch.

The minions attaaack! Wish me luck as I dive into the day!

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