My mom passed away a couple of years ago. I know I should invite her side of the family, I just don't know which family to invite though. There are some family members that I haven't seen since her funeral. Also, she came from a family of 5, and most of them don't talk to each other. There was a huge family fight when my grandma passed years ago, and most of them haven't spoke since then (My mom did still talk to everyone because she didn't want to be involved in the fighting). I don't know who to invite. I was thinking of inviting all my aunts and my uncle, but letting them know I did so, so they can opt not to come if they can't get past their fighting on my big day. I should add that my aunts and uncles all have grown children who have children. (My family is awkwardly spaced in age!) Inviting everyone put my side of the guest list up to around 75 or so people.