Background info: We are very close to FI's youngest brother and his wife - lets call them Ethan and Emma. As well as another couple that are mutual friends - lets call them Dennis and Marissa. All 6 of us get along great and love to hang out. FI and I live in Northern CA. Ethan and Emma did as well but relocated to CO for work 3 years ago. It's been hard for my FI since Ethan is the brother he's closest to and his best friend. Dennis and Marissa live 2 hours away so we see them more often.
Ethan and Emma got married in May in Southern CA so we drove with the other couple to the wedding. Since we don't see each other often, Ethan and Emma stayed in CA after the wedding so the 6 of us could hang out for a few days. It was awesome!
It appears now they want to hang out again (the 6 of us) after our wedding. We are not going on a honeymoon until January and I have a week off from work after the wedding, so it would be perfect. Except they want to roadtrip to Oregon and then Seattle. Due to only having a few days off, they want to leave at 9am the morning after the wedding. Excited to spend more time with his brother, FI said it would be fun. Except I don't agree because a roadtrip sounds exhausting. I just want to enjoy our nice suite, sleep in and unwind for a few days after all that planning and stressing out.
Nothing is set in stone and I know the other two couples would understand if we don't want to go - but I know FI would be disappointed. I have yet to bring up my concerns to him about making the trip. WWYD? Am I being a brat or unreasonable by wanting to take it easy after the wedding? I really would love to hang out as a group again because we can't get together often - just not on a roadtrip.