Wedding Etiquette Forum

NER- Bird Cage Veil Help! (X-posted)

I posted this on the Attire board, but it seems to be kind of slow moving... or maybe no one knows the answer, lol. Thought I'd throw it out here too:

After trying on my birdcage at the bridal shop (before purchase), I noticed the netting stuck straight out, no matter which way I put the comb in. I was assured by the sales person that this was just bc it needed pressing which would be done (after purchase) when they pressed my dress.

Well, lo and behold, I go to my final fitting (everything had been pressed), and the netting STILL sticks straight out! I don't want to have to use too many bobby pins, bc I don't plan to wear the veil for my reception. What can I do?? They won't let me return, not even for store credit (I hate David's bridal, btw).

Is there anyway (other than bobby pins) that I can get the netting to lay nice? Please help! TIA.

Re: NER- Bird Cage Veil Help! (X-posted)

  • This is a shot in the dark, but have you tried steaming it and then molding it into a more round shape?
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
  • How do I mold it? They steamed it (for a 2nd time) at my final fitting and we tried to shape it with our hands, but nothing helped. Can I steam and then maybe pin it to something? A bowl? Lol. 

    I am SO not fashion forward or crafty, btw. This is all a headache for me. Wish I was getting married in my backyard in some blue jeans, but too late for that now. ;)
  • I would guess a bowl or a hat.  Something that you can attach it in some way.  Have you tried contacting David's Bridal (or wherever you bought it)?
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
  • Yes, that's where my fitting was (David's). After they steamed it a second time, they just shrugged the issue off and said they hoped my hairstylist could help. =/
  • Maybe get like a stryofoam ball. Steam it, then pin it to the shape of the ball and then hairspray it?!?!?!

    No idea, just a thought! I know my friend had to hair spray the heck out of hers to get it to stay in place.....


  • Perhaps use a foam wig stand.  It would be shaped like a head....
  • You need bobby pins to hold it in the shape you want. My hairstylist pinned it and it looked just fine!
  • And you don't need THAT many - my stylist did it with maybe about 6 pins.
  • jcrmcjcrmc member
    100 Comments Name Dropper 5 Love Its First Anniversary
    I was thinking steam it to get it pliable, then fit it into a ball cap that fits your head properly, then spray with starch and put a bowl inside to hold it in place?
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  • Thank you so much everyone! I'm going to play around with the steam and starch.
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