I work in a pretty large office (100+ people) and recently another co-worker got married. She's been there much longer than me, eight-ten years, and invited quite a few people, at least 30-40 people, from the company to her wedding. It was great of her to do that, but now I've had several coworkers, some I don't even know that well, make comments like 'I can't wait for your wedding" and "When is my save the date arriving?"
I've only worked there for a few months and I've only met some of the people on my floor a handful of times, so I've intentionally tried really hard to not mention wedding plans at work, and even though I really like almost everyone I work with, there is just no feasible way I could invite them all with the size of our church, reception venue and how big both mine and FI's families are. I was planning on inviting my direct boss and her husband and no one else from the office, but should I consider inviting more of them? Is there actually a polite way to let them know they're not invited, or should I just let the invitations go out and people will figure it out eventually?