

I just read your "decade" post and saw about your apartment fire - did you live in Conshohocken? My brother and FSIL had their apartment burn down in Aug. '08 and since you live in the Philly area, I'm guessing it was the same place.

Terrible situation for everyone :( They were fortunate enough that their cat got rescued the next day.


Re: *gmc22*

  • gmc22gmc22 member
    edited December 2011
    Omg yes! I lived at Riverwalk Apts in Conshocken :( It was absolutely awful! I'm SO glad to hear they got their cat!! SO many people lost their pets (Thank god I didn't have my puppy yet!) which is worse than losing your things!

    I literally graduated college and moved into Riverwalk 1 month to the day before the fire - so EVERYTHING I had was brand new... My family and I were in Hawaii and on the last day of our trip my best friend called me to see if I was ok because she heard about the fire and that's how I found out... It was absolutely devistating (as I'm sure you know...)

     Which building were they in - I was in apartment 1316 in building 1000?
  • edited December 2011
    That must have been awful getting the news but being so far away and unable to do anything! They were both coming home from work. Were you able to salvage anything? I know they were able to go in and get a few things (some sentimental stuff like photos) but almost everything was destroyed. And some of FSIL's jewelry was stolen.

    My brother said they were apt #1212, building 1 near the train tracks.


  • gmc22gmc22 member
    edited December 2011
    Wow - looks like they were right under my unit!! Yes - it was terrible! I felt SO helpless and to be honest I was seriously contemplating just staying in Hawaii! A recovery team went into my unit and were able to get a few things out (like my laptop - which held what seems like my entire life on it and was destroyed but I was able to send it to a computer recovery company and they were able to get my critical info off the hardrive), but I lost mostly everything... including my photos and the sentimental things that you just can't replace :( Were they able to go in themselves or did the 'recovery' team have to go in? They said my unit was so structurally unstable that it was hazardous to go in myself.

    I KNEW people (the 'recovery' team) were taking things!! No one believed me when I said it though!! I can't believe they would steal her jewelry! That is absolutely awful! Lucky for me, I had my favorite (and best) jewelry with me on vacation, as well as a suitcase full of my favorite summer clothes which was nice, but I lost pretty much all of my other clothes (and everything else for that matter). It was really hard for a while but I feel like I've totally moved on and just put it behind me. The only problem is I'm absolutely paranoid about fire now! I ended up moving into another O'Neil property near King of Prussia Mall (well Valley Forge really) and it's just hard to really relax... No lie, I take my new computer with me EVERYWHERE I go and keep an external at my FI's place, and at my parents house in Pittsburgh...

    I'm just so happy they were able to get their cat!! And the sentimental things... they are the things that really matter! I hope they are doing well now!!
  • edited December 2011
    They were able to go in along with the recovery team. Yeah, someone was definitely stealling stuff! They were missing a few other things too (I forget what, but items that they knew had been on their kitchen counter, table, etc right in plain view).

    I don't blame you for being freaked out about fire now, I would be too! (I am and it didn't even happen to me.)

    They just got engaged in July and bought a townhouse in August so I'd say they are doing ok now :) Small world though that you were such close neighbors!


  • gmc22gmc22 member
    edited December 2011
    Aww that's so great to hear! I know, It's funny how small of a world it is!!

    I hope they know about the class action law suit that was just settled!! If not, have them go to this site:

    and contact the law office! There was just a $36.25 million settlement that was recently reached (9 million of which is to be split between the tenants) - if they don't already know about it, they should fill out a claim!
  • edited December 2011
    Ok, i'll pass that along to him incase he didn't hear about it. Thanks!


  • gmc22gmc22 member
    edited December 2011
    No problem!! :)
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