My SO and I have decided to have a short ceremony on a hot air balloon field and then jump into a hot air balloon and go for a ride as newlyweds! The ceremony will only have about 11 people there (immediate family and a couple close friends) due to the location and the policies (no chairs allowed, no PA system - everyone will just stand around us so we don't want 40 people standing around trying to hear us UNLESS you think that is a fine idea, I would just feel like that many people would be uncomfortable and would have trouble hearing us as i said). Anyway... there are still several people I want to celebrate with afterwards, is it okay to host a small reception with food and drinks for the other 30 people that I have in mind (aunt uncles cousins and some more friends)? I would like to eat, drink, and be merry with these people because I care about them! (we are not asking for gifts or registering anywhere)
so basically I have two options:
1. invite about 40 people to a standing only ceremony (ceremony would last 10 min probably but people would most likely be there for at least 30 min - do you think people will be uncomfortable/have trouble hearing?) and host a reception afterwards for everyone
2. keep it very small at the ceremony and host a reception for about 40 guests later that evening?

sorry for the rambling or if there is any confusion.